About Photowalk Eindhoven

Photography: Jasper Scheffers
Photowalk Eindhoven is an organisation
Who are we?
We are Jasper Scheffers and Jacques Linssen, two experienced photographers living in Eindhoven.
Jasper is born and raised in Eindhoven, and is specialized in documenting the changes in the city through photography and news articles. Through this work, he has gained a vast knowledge of the city's history, as well as plans for the future. Therefore, Jasper knows all the hidden spots in Eindhoven. Besides the city, Jasper also shoots at airshows and at events for a.o. the scouts and off-road carclubs.
Jacques is born near the city, and has lived for the past 30 years in Eindhoven, and is often found in underground cultural hotspots. His photography specializes in black&white, and in using uncommon or vintage lenses. His work is often people-centric, and usually about contrasts. WW2 is also a subject that he has explored extensively over the years. Jacques has traveled through 24 European countries, and therefore has an understanding of what will interest you.

Photography: Jasper Scheffers